Thursday, January 29, 2009

I hate spell checker

I can’t spell not because I’m stupid but because I’ve a problem so I use spell checker to correct my miss spellings and this is really great, what bothers me is that spell checker doesn’t always help sometimes I make a error and its under lined with red so I click on it and it gives my suggestions that is not what I want and I can’t use the right word so I have to ask somebody

For example I wanted to write superficial (now I know how it’s spelled lol) but I didn’t know its two words so I write super which was fine but then I write fishel and its under lined so I click on it and its says a lot of words but not fishel or fishel with a other spelling, also I write yidishe words and it doesn’t know how to spell yidishe words so it’s under lined

There are also the green lines and when I click on it says nothing and doesn’t give me suggestions, sometimes it gives suggestions and I click on it and its still under lined, I know green is for grammar but I only want spelling not grammar, somebody knows how to take a way green lines and have only the red lines? 

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Welcome to my new blog "smoking frimat"!

Here I will talk about my life as a ex frime girl, I’ll tell you how I feel not being frim, and I’ll tell you how my life is as I’m secular.

But first who am I? I come from a large family, I was the kid in the middle (sandwich! Lol), my family is very frim, and speaks yiddish, I learned English in school and I can talk English fairly good, but I always had trouble reading or writing because I’m dyslexic, but my sister has now arranged classes for me so I learn more and for this blog I use spell checker and I try very hard to write good.

My childhood life was not very good, I come from a broken home the reason which I don’t want to say, one other sister who is also my best sister was also starting to glich from yidishkeit but with the help of other people we know she is ok now, but I don’t want to go back like her because I never liked it and now I’m happy I no longer live with them with my other family, I live in my sister’s home.

I’m not sure if I believe in god, but even if I believe I don’t really keep all mitzves, for example I don’t really keep shabes but I also don’t travel shabes and I don’t keep tznies I wear pants and sleeveless tops, and I smoke which is interesting becasue normally frim woman don't smoke, I smoke everything but what I like most is Virginia slims, my sister wouldn't let me smoke in the house so I always have to go out side jirrrr it's cold, anyway many other mitzves I keep for example I eat only kosher and came to the lighting of chanike candles every night.

now I don’t have a normal job but I’m helping my sister all day in the toy store, but I’m looking for a normal job with good ours, I’m looking on the internet and in news papers, but the things is I’m not very sure what job I want, lol.

Anyway, this is my first post and I introduced myself here to you, I hope to write more here soon, iy"h. (or maybe not, lol)